Saturday, October 1, 2011

They're back

Whilst I wouldn't say I was crying my eyes out about them going back to school...there may be a little dance in my step today.
We had a great holiday just mooching around parks and home with friends and family.
However, mother is going to have a little tidy up today and restore some balance to the farmhouse.
Have a lovely day at school, kids. See you this afternoon!
I'm going to lead by example and lie down to read a book!


  1. Cute! Totally swamped by her school bag.

  2. I'm pretty sure you should still have that one at home. If you've taken her to school, best you go collect her.... GO NOW!

  3. Kick up your's okay, no one is watching.

  4. MMMC: School gives me a warm feeling in my chest!

    Zigsma: Should I stand in her way? She so wants to be there.

    Anna: But nobody noticed. She is very quiet.

    Midcenturymadam: I decided that instead of kicking them up I would go and have them scraped, massaged and creamed at one of those spur of the moment pedicure places. Even with Shorty on my knee it was heaven!

  5. I miss school. My teacher husband does not.

  6. Deb: I am so with you. My teacher husband started 3 months long service today!


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