Sunday, October 16, 2011

Anticipation of Precipitation

Of course it's raining and grey and cold. It's a student free day.It is important to be prepared for such events.
How can we entertain ourselves today?
1. Have a big fabulous belated birthday cake dropped off by the best little Mother-in-law in the Western suburbs.
2. Allow Fishy to finely whittle a small pile of potatoes into chips and oven fry them. Kills a good hour. Cupcakes were also made but were eaten before the camera could focus.
3. Allow the same child to make a giant catapult across the kitchen to distract him from further cooking adventures.
4. Discover an eccentric girl child dressing for school when it's not on.
5. Extricate them from this ...
6. by encouraging this.
7. Make long overdue signage for the Coop de Chickens. Thank you Sonia for the paint again.
8. Pursue further town planning activities with another 'people' receptacle.
9. Find old rubber letters in the bath and make a name T-shirt. I did this for all the others when they were little. This was overdue.
10. Get paint all over myself as mess-therapy for the neat two year old.
11. Work that thing! She loves it!
12. In the name of mother love, face eating the zen rice cracker, peanut paste, maple syrup and sunflower seed special presented by the 8 year old. Yes I did nibble and express ecstasy at its divine flavours. Academy award please!
13. Cleanse the palate with Nanna Freddo's banana cake with lashings of cream cheese icing.
There was minor art produced, no major barneys between siblings and no visits to the Children's Hospital. All in all a successful rainy day!


  1. Love the Maya Tshirt and the coop sign! How much more productive was your pupil free day than mine!!!! S managed to smear B's poo into the carpet in about 23 places (she thought she was being helpful by changing a nappy!) and that was the highlight! I could use a piece of that cake....

  2. Well done on all fronts. We used my rainy day back up- good old ikea - and managed to tackle two op shops as well, good kids. melx

  3. Anna: Miss Neato won't smear anything. She was quite appalled when I smeared her hand with Sonia's red house paint for another T-shirt yesterday. We had it out for the chicken signage anyway. I still remember my youngest twin siblings doing poo painting in the playpen and not being able to get my Mum's attention because she was on the phone. Timeless!

  4. BG: Two op shops! I need to find another one near here that I like. There are a couple of favourites miles away but that involves petrol and planning. It is a compulsion. Just hearing the words op-shop makes me want to run off to one.

  5. The T-shirt is your usual triumph, together with signage for productive poultry.
    There are no op shops where I live. I think all the residents are using it all themselves.
    Ikea on a rainy day???


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