Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gettin' Wiggy With It

I have been intending to go to one of these 'Look Good Feel Better' sessions for a while. Women diagnosed well after me have been there and told me I should go. If I was going to do the anti- chemo face and hair foofing I figured it should be before I finished the treatment. 
Lairy and I arrived fashionably late to find a mirror and a selection of personal face products to use and take home. The  mirror also magnifies but none of us took them up on that offer. Seriously?
 They cleansed and moisturised us- all very by the book- and talked about how we should apply the "c and v" of  eyeshadow when we look in the mirror to do morning make up. Bless! This is the woman, right here, who may or may not have had a jamie top under her jumper and above her ugh boots that very morning at school drop off. I had a strong resistance to the dark grey eye shadow they had given me because, let's face it, chemo grey eye shadow I don't need.
BUT I learnt some things I didn't know about applying the ol' pancake. I may even wear a bit some days now because it did make me feel better and we laughed!  In a room full of bald and balding women of various ages we did not speak of our diagnoses or treatments or sad bits but we did have fun.

 Not being a wig wearer, I made it my mission to try on as many of those hairy friends as possible in the allocated time. The above is the one the wig fitter chose for me which is, strangely, not unlike my own old hair. Then we just got into impersonation mode.
 'Julia Rowboats as Tinkerbell' hair....
 Thunderbird hair like nobody I know....
 Pure mean 'Pat the Rat' flash to the future hair.....

 This is my oncologist with the very well groomed hair. Now I know where she got it....
 The Bob Downe hair finished the session and it was all most entertaining and reinforced for me that I am a beanie girl. There are, after all, advantages to the hairless noggin:

*There is the delicious pleasure of a long hot shower at any time of the day or night. Pat dry and apply beanie.
*Getting up and showering, dressing and beanie-ing in five minutes flat to be completely ready.
*The potential power to embarrass my children into submission in a mall by the brief but effective removal of the beanie. This has not been needed yet but their disapproval when I tried on my latest one out in the open was enlightening. Months ago I was hiding in the dressing room at City Beach with the door shut but no more, my cherubs! Mummy is out!
*Savings on hair shampoo and electricity washing and drying the mop.
*When I get out of my suburb I do like to drive without headwear with the window down. Feels SO good.
*The ability to disarm a road rager overtaking me on the Sunshine Coast motorway with just my bald head and a vapid smile. BOOYA!
*Smiling on the inside at my boy's choice of helmet as he tries to subliminally look like his mama. See how his eyes light up when he sees me or maybe that was the $900 BMX that he will NEVER own.
 *There is also the pleasant sensation of the winter sun basting my melon out the front of the house. Just wear your glasses if you drop in because it is a shiny white sucker and will sizzle your retinas in a trice.


  1. I like the last picture best...rainbow hair...that is one amazing photo....x

    1. I hadn't thought of that but well spotted!

  2. I was reading this post on the bus home this evening, and I laughed - a number of times - out loud! I can't tell you the last time I laughed out loud on a bus. I hope you're really feeling cheery, because if you're not and you can write a post this funny, you deserve a Sainthood.

    Keep going, it'll all be a memory soon.

    1. I'm glad i made you laugh because I made you cry before and owed you !

  3. I love the last photo. You know I have been surrounded by beautiful bald heads for the last 18years and there is something very honest and truthful about bald which shines through so beautifully in this shot.
    There is also something equally tragic about the "Pat the Rat' shot. You do know they play this show at about 1:00am.
    I recognise the glint in his eyes as he passes the bright, shiny and fantastic bike, WATCH OUT!

    1. He thinks he is so cool but all I see is Mick Molloy in 'Shitscared'!

  4. You look like you had a super fantastic time. Love the selection of wigs. I personally think you should get yourself that Tinkerbell short hair wig as I think you look gorgeous with that short hairstyle and not everyone can pull it off but you do. Plus you get to have the amazing short hair look without the pain in the butt growing out maintainance salon visits every five minutes. melx

    1. I will probably have that hair soon enough so I'll leave the wig but I did see a nifty electric blue one at a Cosmetics Plus shop. I fancy the pink wig off the lead character in Lazytown. I know you'll know it!

  5. You had me at Pat the Rat. Rowena Wallace eat ya heart out. You do rock a bald head well if that's any consolation. I don't wear much make up but when I do I feel much better...And I just love your sense of humour. Take it easy. xx

    1. If I was back in East London or Newtown nobody would blink a lash less eyelid but in suburban Brisbania, 'tis different. I kind of liked the Pat look too!

  6. I'm so glad you did it, my beautiful, baldy friend! Missing you!

    1. Seriously! This bald thing would save you so much time in the morning with your new job, working girl. Have you started vacuuming in undies and tile tots a la Melanie Griffith yet?

    2. Tile tots should read stilettoes but either could work in this case!

  7. You're gorgeous in any of those looks, specially the last one. This post is so punny, er funny, 'ughs' hilarious!!!

    1. Your daughter would be great at doing these sessions! I think the last one suits me best too. A la natural...old hippy that I am.

  8. You look gorgeous in every photo, and you wear your life beautifully!

  9. Replies
    1. We all have our moments. I can be a tad grumpy as well of late!

  10. You are awesome, you know that, don't you?! And absolutely hilarious!

    But I need more beanie info ... I have no idea how cold (Australian English)/hot (UK English) it is in Brisbane in August. I'm guessing temps are much the same here as there right now (shy of 20C) and we'd consider it way too warm for a hat. So what are yours made of?

    I had to Google Pat the rat!

    1. So sorry to introduce you to the Rat. She is a glorious piece of by-gone Australian kitschy iconry. It isn't quite as cold as your winter but our August Westerlys are here now then in September it will suddenly blossom into warm spring. The kids will be in the pool before we know it! I may have to look into bandanas.

  11. You're rocking those wigs! Bob Downe... Haha.

    1. I tried to include a clip of him singing "I will survive" but can't get it to work. Good old' Bob!

  12. I can picture you in tangerine robes as a Tibetan monk in the last pic.
    I love Tinkerbell too.
    You're turning into a wig guru.
    Glad you both had a laugh as well.

    1. I'll have to crochet some tangerine robes with felt Pom poms! Tinker bell may stay for. While when the hair comes in.

  13. I was liking some of the wigs, but the last shot! Yeah. You look super cool.
    And super beautiful.

    1. Aw! Pshaw! But it is the most neatly groomed I've been for a while.

  14. Hard to pick a favorite, really thought you carried the Pat the rat look off. Ummm something to ponder for the future perhaps?

  15. Thank you all for your kind support and humor and empathy, old friends and new. Xxx


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