Monday, April 1, 2013

Eggstra, eggstra!

T'was the night before Easter and all through the house...

not a creature was stirring eggcept Mother who may have been assembling roughly crafted Easter baskets for the slack teens....

 and crawling about the patio with a bowl of talcum powder to give the lady next door something to ponder.

 The feathery girls down the back have been eggceptionally prolific of late so there were many eggs...

to be boiled and dyed and consumed. Is it just me or does this egg look like Dr Lala just removed an organ from somebodies innards?

We like to buff ours up with a bit of paper towel and olive oil to bring  out the colour in their cheeks.

Of course there is still an egg hunt although the older ones had to be suppressed from finding them all straight away whilst Shorty Divine ran very fast from shrub to succulent in a frenzy of egg gathering.

The counting of the twenty eggs  is of vital importance eggspecially as we like to hide and rehide them until they get a bit crushed and soft. Curiously, after finding 120 eggs, there always seem to be just twenty in the kitty. Eggs here are not kept by individuals but always donated to the egg kitty to be divided up later. We follow Mother's Rule of Eggstrapolatory Eggodynamics-  the total number of eggs is always divisible by the total number of eggsplorers. Even Steven!

Lala suggested we make Easter potatoes too. After all they are ovoid so they too can be eggsamples of eggdom. 

This cut down on peeling time and made for rather pretty spuds.

They lost their  colour but tasted great with some bush herbs and posh salt.

 There's that pyrex bowl again. I just can't use it enough!

Hope you all had a restful and pleasant Easter with no chocolate headaches.


  1. And the Pyrex even looks a bit easter-y with the pretty bird design.

  2. Shorty Divine always makes me smile - such a cutie pie.

  3. So busy around Easter. I think we were the only family on the planet who didn't have a hunt. I'm not telling mine because they're none the wiser thus far. Eggs in Queensland do go soft quick, don't they? I like the Olive Oil tip! Will store that one away ...

  4. Very busy times at your house. Love the olive oiled egguses.

  5. Ha we do the hiding and re hiding bit at our place too, stretches out the joy for so much longer. Then we line up and sort and count and put them into boxes with compartments. Little sisters just try and stuff as many in as possible. mel x

  6. Love that pic of the two girls and I'm thinking roast potatoes will have to be a holiday activity at Currumbin. Nice. Great coloured eggs too! My kids want to come live with you.

  7. I can't blame chocolate for my headache. ;-)

  8. Looks like you all had loads of fun, really like the Easter spud idea! :) x

  9. Love the eggquisite day you had. Our Easter egg hunt is about survival of the fittest. You have a much kinder family!! xx

  10. Love the enthusiasm of the Divine One.
    Love the bunny foot prints.
    Blow the lady next door.
    Love the spuderoos.

  11. Annie, I'm bowing my head in shame as I looked at my photos from last weekend and only managed the one and it was of the early sunrise that was my wake up call on Easter Sunday. Not a single photo thereafter. Your Easter is speggtacular !!!! Mel x

  12. Your Easter spuds look delicious. I like your olive oil tip - must try to remember that one.


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