Tuesday, October 1, 2013

On the River

In August the celebrated Irish poet, Seamus Heaney died at 74.

The Big Fella also had a birthday and we spent a lovely afternoon on the river.

"Her scarf a la Bardot,

In suede flats for the walk,

She came with me one evening

For air and friendly talk

We crossed the quiet river

Took the embankment walk." (from 'Twice Shy', Seamus Heaney)

I should  have worn that scarf a la Bardot.


  1. Happy Birthday to the Big fella! Love the last family shot - you look so happy Annie xxx

  2. And very chic you would look too, great way to celebrate Big Fellas birthday! :) x

  3. You look great! Look at that hair.

  4. How do you know all this poetry? You're amazing. And I love that last photo. You are glowing.

  5. love the last photo. You look so happy Annie. x

  6. I agree with Anna, you definitely have a glow about you, enjoy the rest of these sunshiny hols. mel x

  7. A perfect way to celebrate a birthday .
    Thank you for sharing these precious moments.


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