Saturday, November 24, 2012

Blueberry Sunday

Sunday breakfast is special because you don't need to rush it. 
You can actually have it when you get up not at 10 am in the shape of a bruised banana from the handbag between school drop offs and doctors' visits.

You can eat things you might otherwise not think of. Like bacon. We will always have bacon.
Somedays though when it is hot and summery there is the goodness of frozen secrets from the freezer.

Somebody has been buying frozen blueberries possibly hoping to eat them himself. However it would seem that his daughters have developed a preference for the berry not least because it is so much fun to swirl into white yoghurt and make lush, ploppy peaks of purple to consume.

Possibly this is also due to the influence of his own mother (the best little mother in law in the west- ern suburbs), who has a fondness for all things mauve, lilac, lavender, amethyst, jacaranda, hyacinth and puce. She introduced the berry of blue to the girls and has called them both Miss Blueberry since they could walk. So if there are none left when you get home it is your mother's fault, Big Fella, although I may have inadvertently chugged a few myself!

Real men scoff at such ninny nanna food and prefer a hearty slab of leftover cottage pie before continuing to mod wheeled things on the brekky table.

Such a hard core skater boy, he is now tagging the house in electrical tape. Dude!

Miss Blueberry, a.k.a. the Skater Girl has gone all legs eleven on me since she turned ten. 
The child is growing like a weed...

or a crocheted rug. Four rows down and still plodding along.


  1. My girl adores frozen berries, and I never get a chance to eat them before she's scoffed them all! She picked some new pj fabrics at Spotlight today- lets just say she could lay on you tablecloth and would coordinate well! She picked the blue version. You and her have very good taste!

  2. Lucky she didn't buy the pink one or we might have lost her out there. I'm going back for more in another colour and maybe reprising the dress I made Shorty in it too!

  3. I throw some frozen blueberries into our waffle mixture. Makes for great coloured waffles.

  4. Luscious blueberry swirl.
    But accompanied with tomato sauce seems a stretch too far.

  5. Cool graffiti and great shot of legs 11, looks like a glimpse into the future though the style of phone will change no doubt.

  6. One of my girls did that at about the same age ... suddenly she was more leg than anything else. In all seriousness watch for knee strains in a year or two ... as their hips get more girly it puts a strain on their kneecaps ... just what you wanted to know, not!

    Is there any of that lush looking blueberrie yoghurt left? I could pop over and help you scoff it if there is ;)

  7. blueberries are wonderful, yes! I use them to color my icing.
    the shot of your daughter on the phone, I see my greta in a few years! a familiar pose.
    lovely family you have.
    have a great day.
    and thank you for the sweet comments on me blog. I am trying to get back in the game and
    want to be here more often.


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