Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Annie, put the kettle on

5.30 am Boil kettle for tea. Deliver B2 to swimming. We have a nice chat when it is just he and I in the car. There is always a beautiful sunrise. Sometimes it stops me seeing the road as it refracts on the grime of the windscreen. He has forgotten breakfast money. We stop at the petrol station for cash and I get out of the car to remember I am in my jama pants. It takes a lot to embarrass me after being bald and eyebrow-less for six months. Jamas are small potatoes.

6-6.30 am. Make lunches for family. We are all very different aren't we, dears. Lunchboxia-eclectica. B2 is rolling six bread rolls a day usually with salad although he sometimes goes continental and has cheese and jam. No lumps please, Mum. Put Shorty's in the fridge so it stays cold. Boil kettle for tea. Arrange assorted muffins, Tiny Teddies, popcorn, rolls, fruit etc in various plastic boxes.

 6.30 am. Shower, dress, do hair in 30 seconds flat. Loving the whole pixie cut thing if only it had the pixie body to match. That reminds me to take oestrogen suppressing, barge arse promoting tamoxofin.

6.45 am. Walk loudly around house getting people out of bed. Make my cereal and watch my daughter eat it. Boil kettle for tea.

7.00 am. Drive to school to get note for child's excursion out of his desk so he can go today. Get teary at sight of school registrar's grand baby when she arrives to open school. (Secretary, not baby.) Babies still make me cry and get goosebumps. It's a disease, I tell you. Take that, oestrogen suppressor.

7.10-7.20 am. Say good-bye to Big Fella. Find things, feed people and chickens, dress people not chickens, dress salad for lunch. Tell B1 to get dressed. Put salad in fridge. Boil kettle for tea.

7.20 am. Deliver strings children to string place. "See you later, have a good day, don't forget to go to (insert place here) after school, have you got your lunch, love you, bye."

7.30 am. Back home. Tell B1 we are leaving, put Shorty in car. Tell B1 we are leaving. Get Shorty's lunch, check I have everything. Tell B1 we are leaving and to put his pants on. Leave.

7.40 am. Drive into kindergarten car park where tree is being lopped by large lopping truck across thoroughfare. Do a u-turn, drive against the arrow and go to rear car park. Deliver Shorty and note truck is now leaving front car park. Shorty has forgotten her hat and her yoghurt is still in the fridge chilling, unlike me.

7.50 am. Almost on time today. It's a miracle. Ask B1 to please put his shoes and socks on before we leave the house next time as his knee is in the gear stick. Get to school gate. Remember I have left B2's lunch at home. He'll starve after swimming. We pull a u-turn again. B1 is aghast!

8.00am. Should be arriving at work but instead pull into our driveway. No lunchbox in kitchen. Find it in back of the car where I put it twenty minutes ago. I have no recollection of doing so. Must be some dead brain cells in the lunchbox retrieval area of the brain. Drive back to school. Note twitch in left eye. Do arm exercises while driving as I forgot when I got up. Poke B2 in ear while extending forearm.

8.10 am. Start walking to office. Go back to car for laptop. Find I have left my own lunch in the fridge with Shorty's yoghurt. Eat cereal for breakfast at work. Boil kettle for tea.

The day begins...


  1. Being a mum is hard work. But you can still find words to talk about it. That's good news. Take care! Regula

  2. Yep it is so crazy. I am on holidays and I had this crazy notion it might be about me and possibly catch up on some long overdue stuff ( there is no other word for it).
    Today even though not working I had to be at the school for an 8.00am meeting and dont worry it was nothing you were meant to attend. Actually I ran into your number four as I was running up for meeting and dropping for girls choir auditions.
    Then race home to deal with the fridge that has stopped working, bless him these QLD summer can be a bit trying but I am pretty sure it is in his job description to keep things cold, expletive!
    Race back up to school to sign my number three out to have her festy gum looked at by an orthodontist. Number one was meant to meet me there for his appointment but no I had to search for him after dropping number three back to school and signing all the documentation to say that she is back.
    Found number one at the orthodontist after the school said Oh no he has just left! Did I mention number three has to have a plate Cha Ching!
    Finally home to continue the defrost process and the cook up of everything before it goes manky.
    Race back up to the school to watch assembly because number two is doing a skit and has requested my presence.
    I wont go any further because it is just boring after school activities. Oh except that I forgot to mention in all of this I had to drive to a friends and place my meat pie (with all the frozen meat that would soon perish if not cooked)in her fridge and then retrieve it later to elegantly place on the table for dinner.
    Did I mention I am on holidays!

    1. Work is my holiday now! See you at the orthodontist.

  3. I'm not sure whether to laugh, cry or have a mild panic attack at the thought of what awaits me when mine reach the ages of yours. I think you're amazing x

    1. It is strange how easy it all seems when you look back on the little kid times. I still find the three year old the easiest on of all to deal with now!

  4. Gosh those kidlets keep you busy. and all before 9am.
    i'm exhausted just reading that.

  5. My mad morning dash pales into insignificance....hope you eventually get that cup of tea...you do so deserve it! Axxx

    1. Some days it takes a while but lately I've been having it in the car on the 5.30 am run and then when I get to work. Nobody can interrupt those ones.

  6. Whoa that's a lorra lunch boxes. No wonder you lose track of the odd one. You well and truly deserve a whole pot of tea after all that.

    1. Seriously! Alice used to do the same thing in the Brady Bunch. I think Carol Brady would arrange them on the orange laminate for her. I want an Alice!

  7. I really didn't feel comfortable reading this post. It's part-my-life-now and part-high-school things to come. Is any one helping you in the morning?!

    Wonder what the tips are to make mornings easier? I really detest them. (Have just finished making lunches, now have to shower and be on the 7:17am bus.

    1. My tip for easier mornings is to work less days or have less kids!

  8. Lets put the kettle on and drink to the days of wine and roses.

    1. Maybe I should just drink. Wine and roses sound very pleasant indeed!

  9. You are a bloody champion................that is all.

  10. Bloody champion alright!!! I am shedding tears of joy reading this post Annie because you know I get it! Only lucky for me I get to stay home and play with my little bubba all day after the mad morning rush! I don't know how I would ever cope if I had to throw work into the mix! Well done Lady. Now sit down and have that TEA!

    1. I'm supremely grateful for those years at home with just one last time round.
      It was a long time coming but so very worth it. Now she is happy to be out and about it seems.

  11. My day would be over by the time I did all that! I'd stick my head in a snow bank.

    1. More like a mud slide here...rain, rain, rain!

  12. Where's your cape woman?
    My beloved has a cup of coffee sitting on the bench every morning when I step into the kitchen ... it's the only thing between me and the mad-house.

    1. My cape is unironed and in the washing basket with every thing else but I might put one on tonight and just see if anyone notices.

  13. We're only up to 3 packed lunches and thank goodness for tuckshop I say! Lovely to read of your crazy mornings. I am usually the one who leaves first and I'm sure it's the easier option. Keep it up and may the job be worth it!

    1. The job is definitely worth it. Hope my kids feel the same way.

  14. I feel guilty for giving my kids tuckshop on the days I am working. Anytime you want that cup of tea, come up.

    1. Pshaw! Guilt- never. I'm just never organized enough to have change for that many people in my purse or they'd get it a lot more. They live for tuckshop!

  15. I think I need a lie down, and probably a cup of tea (put the kettle on Annie ;) ), just reading that was exhausting. I know I used to have a similar routine, I just can't imagine how I could possibly make it work today. You are an inspiration!

    1. So glad to hear of somebody who survived it and remained sane. Mind you, there are always the whippets now.

  16. Oh. My. God. I remember thinking that things would be easier once the kids start school. I know - how deluded. I don't know how I'd cope with a morning like yours - you're amazing. Is 8:10am too early for a stiff drink?

    1. If you have a couple of non-work days, at least you have breathing space after the drop off to regroup and collect your faculties.That happy quiet pottering time between 9 and 11 a.m. is what I miss.

  17. My goodness, that is an epic morning. Roboboy was quite impressed by that lunchbox lineup in its rainbow glory. I remember with my very early riser who liked to wake at 4.30 that by the time I had actually organised us both and dropped at childcare and got to work I had already done half a days work before the real work started. They are now sleeping until 6, woohoo. You will have to channel your inner yoda of organisation. Sending all the force your way. mel x

    1. If we ever have that picnic I will try and remember to bring the series of lunch boxes along for the fun.


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