Finally the radioactive rug is finished.
After it was all joined up I realized it wasn't quite big enough for our bed which was where I hoped it might live. I just couldn't face any more granny squares. A girl has her limits. So I just kept going around the outside in a border till it was the right size. It went a bit wonky the first few rows so it had to be disciplined with a severe pulling out of stitches and started again. Second and third time I finally figured out that I had to ditch all the connecting chains and just do the trebles.
Then at the beach it was cool and quiet enough for me to whack on a scalloped edge to finish it off.
Done! Ta and Da at last!
So once again for a final appearance and yet another closure to the cycle of last year's Kafuffle.
We have the radiotherapy rug, a.k.a. family blanket ,
the biopsy blanket, a.k.a. rainbow ripple for Shorty Divine,
and of course the chemo quilt, a.k.a. Lala's blanket.
Here they are in their natural environment back home. Lala likes to bask like a cat in the sun. This is permissible in glorious Spring Autumn sunshine.
I love this time of year. We can finally behave like normal humans who live in more temperate climes and enjoy the benefits of gentle morning sunshine.
Usually I cower like a vampire in the Queensland sunshine. It is finally cooling down enough here to wear sleeves and long pants and a covered shoe. Bliss!
Lala likes to peruse the Aldi catalogue for such treasures as the travel pack of Zoobs for around $12.
I only bought them because I wanted to say Zoobs a lot.
"Where are the Zoobs? Have you got your Zoobs?" Try it. It's a satisfying word.
Having decided to not crochet anything else for a goodly time we then stumbled acoss this tasty little pouffe in a gift shop.
Rainbow hexes, indeed. Couldja...wouldja...?
Perhaps one close up of the stitches just in case.