Monday, January 28, 2013

Wild and Woolly

Good ol' Australia Day was wild and woolly again! Australia seems to like to take this opportunity to remind us what a tough cookie she really is. Flood and fire seem to have become the new normal in January.
The Big Fella woke very early this morning to don his new uniform and spent the rest of the day getting it very dirty. We are very proud of him and all the other volunteers who are working in this deluge tarping houses, cutting trees, sandbagging property and making tea and sandwiches and fried rice.
There's your Australia Day spirit, right there.

Back home, we got up later to find a white out over the mountains, water everywhere but the wild winds had thankfully eased a bit since yesterday.

The last day of holidays with five chillun hunkered down in the house proved to be fairly chilled out although there may have been some cyber baby sitting by day three. Pale but interesting, B1 ironically has peeling shoulders from the heat wave last week!

Others may have had too much screen already and amused themselves in other ways.

There was important bomb diving to be done to empty the overflowing pool...

and it was finally cool enough to finish connecting the squares on the everlasting radioactive rug. This is the woolly bit. When it was finally all joined up I began the less tedious job of hooking a big, wide border around it. If it stays cool it might get done this week!

For the first time in nine years I did not wrangle Contact paper and cover books. One year, I suffered two full days and a plague of flying ants to cover and label all their stuff. This year the youngest two insisted it was way uncool to cover books in year 5 and year 7. I paid them $5 each to label their own stuff and am not even going to check it. NOT!

Between loads of drying and heating pies and pizzas and cups of tea, I had my own screen time to enjoy. After some of this it was time for a fillum.

"Annie" was promptly  canned before Lala's 187th viewing and I got to choose MY film. You tell me which was more appropriate! They all skulked out within the first half hour but I cared not. For I had my hook, my three year old and Debbie Reynolds to keep the day humming along. 
Vo-do-dee-oh, vo-do-dee-ody-ody.....

Our thoughts are with all of those without homes at the moment, hoping it is over soon and that nobody is alone in this.


  1. An apt film, what has happened? Those chillun would have sat and sung along with you once upon a time. Oh the teens and pre-teen years are so harsh.

  2. They used to know the words as well as I do! If they remember Seven Brides for Seven Brothers I'll forgive them.

  3. Hope you are keeping safe! Your kids are growing up fast, I'm always being told I'm not cool! Don't think I ever was but I'm not going to tell them that! :) x

  4. after seeing this mornings TV news I just hope you and your family are safe and well. Thank you to your wonderful Volunteer. ♥

  5. He's a generous man, Annie.
    They don't grow on trees even in a flood.

  6. On of my favourite films Annie! Good on the big fella - he'd have had a busy weekend! xx

  7. This weather just sapped the energy right out of me, and I planned to do so much. Instead we sit here, still in a messy house, still with budgets and tax and pre-school stuff to do. Hmmm. Your rug delights me as do your pale, weird eyed children. But tell me, how was today??!!!

  8. I have a friend on your side of the world at the moment stuck at an airport as all the flights are cancelled. I had no idea nature could be so wild in summer.

  9. You've got a very good man there. Hope the clean-up is going OK. Crazy weather! "Annie" was one of my favourites growing up. Is she watching the Albert Finney original or is there now a newer version? I am a little bit excited about school going back but dreading the book-covering rigmarole and I'm guessing 4, 6 and 8 is too young to bribe and get OK results. The radioactive rug is looking great :-) Mel xx

  10. My sister and I probably watched 'Annie' around 187 times as kids, too. We tended not to watch through to the end, though. Too scary.

    I loved covering my books with contact (no bubbles) when I was at school. Yes, I was/is a huge dork.

  11. Glad to know you were high and dry Annie. I wrangled the contact for only one child and just about had a nervous breakdown, good on you for walking away! mel x ps loving your blanket, glorious colours.

  12. I have been thinking of all my friends and family over there. I have a cousin in Queensland who has now had his business property flooded twice. I know others have fared far worse. I'm glad to hear you are safe on your hill.

    It was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in our house, daughter Sally watched it twice daily if allowed!


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